Selasa, 09 April 2013

[Art Work] CAC Jogja 4th Anniversary (Avatar)

Do you know about Coin a Chance (CAC)?
CAC is community that concer in education. CAC community collect coins for underpriviledge childs. CAC is in several city in Indonesia and one of the city is Jogja. With the coin that we collect, there are several childs can go back to school.
And this mounth is the 4th anniversary of CAC Jogja! Yeay! ^^

CorelDraw X3
Coloring with Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop
Texturing with Adobe Photoshop

That's the design that I made for avatar @CACjogja

If you have a concern with education, you can follow us in Twitter and if you want to know more information about us, you can go to CAC Jogja's website.

Don't underestimate coins, guys! ^^

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